Imports from China

Local support for
a global supply strategy

Sourcing in China is more than just choosing a supplier, evaluating samples, and placing an order.

In reality, smooth and timely deliveries are the final stage of a complex process that begins with selecting and evaluating suppliers, followed by product selection, offer negotiations, effective oversight of placed orders, quality control, and finally, the timely arrangement of shipments.

In the complex world of supply chains, precise local support can significantly enhance the operational efficiency of procurement processes. During the pandemic, we experienced this dependency firsthand. Factory shutdowns, disrupted deliveries, or even the unexpected blockage of a ship heading to Europe disrupted supply chains and, as a result, the normal functioning of businesses.

Supplier sourcing
Technology / product sourcing
Negotiations with suppliers
Verification of a Chinese company
Do you need help with importing from China?
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Frequently asked questions

Not finding the answer to your questions? Contact us.

How to choose a good supplier?
How to build long-term relationships with Chinese business suppliers?
What are the most common mistakes when choosing suppliers in China?
Supplier sourcing

Suppliers are not found on Alibaba. It’s a platform full of agents who are eager to sign a contract with you but will disappear at the first sign of trouble. Suppliers should be sourced locally, evaluating not only the quality of their products but also their approach to customers and how well their profile aligns with that of the importer. Both parties in the transaction need to feel important to each other—otherwise, the collaboration won’t run smoothly, and the benefits will be limited.

Technology / product sourcing

China is now the world’s factory of technology, exporting advanced solutions across key industries. Whether you’re looking for a supplier of energy storage technologies, construction equipment, chemical materials, or robotics, we can help you find partners perfectly tailored to your business needs.

Negotiations with suppliers

Negotiating with the Chinese is an art of balancing cultural differences while achieving your business goals. The key to success lies not only in understanding the language and non-verbal cues but also in grasping the values that shape the Chinese approach to discussions. A European adopting a hard, power-based stance will only alienate the supplier. Relationships, timing, local insights, and subtlety are what truly matter. Copying European negotiation methods rarely yields results in the Chinese context.

At Salvane, we help bridge the gap between cultures. Our team combines expertise in working with Chinese and European companies, providing support that transforms negotiations into effective partnerships.

Verification of a Chinese company

Verifying a supplier is the foundation of importing from China. You need to know who you’re buying from, who you’re signing a contract with, and who the company entering the agreement really is. Are they a middleman, an agent, or a factory? Do they have the authorization to export goods, and when was the company established? So many questions arise—and we provide the answers.

The internet is full of stories of failed collaborations with Chinese companies—from low-quality product deliveries to disappearing intermediaries and lost payments sent to random accounts. This is why verifying a Chinese company—your supplier—is not an option but an absolute necessity. Companies that appear reliable at first glance often turn out to be mere intermediaries or fail to meet international standards.